BNS - Governance Token

YOU! Have the power

Token Info

Token Distribution

Genesis Pools

These pools will share a total of 150,000 BNS to kickstart the Banking system with a lifetime of 7 days from their activation. The specific allocation is outlined in the table below. Staking rewards are distributed every block. The amount of BNS you earn is directly proportional to the percentage of the pool you occupy.

Yield Farming Pools

These pools will become active after the corresponding genesis pools end. They share a total of 850,000 BNS with the allocation outlined in the table below. Similarly, rewards are distributed every block and the amount you earn is directly proportional to the percentage of the pool you occupy.

However, the weekly yield rate will be adjusted down 15% bi-weekly. The first adjustment will happen 14 days after the launch of these pools, calculated using block time.

  • LP Token pools

  • Single Token and NFT pools

Last updated